Prospective authors are invited to prepare manuscripts using standard A4 IEEE format for conferences.
Submit via EDAS system.
Full paper deadline:
March 10, 2019
extended to:
March 19, 2019
FINAL extension: March 31, 2019
The notification of acceptance will be available by May 05, 2019.
The deadline for camera ready paper submission is May 25, 2019.
SpliTech2019 will feature a technical and professional program related to the today’s most hottest topics: Health, Smart city/environment, Energy and Engineering Modelling.
All accepted papers will be published in SpliTech2019 conference proceedings. All accepted papers will be invited to submit a revised and extended versions for possible publication in special issues of high quality journals. More detailed topics are listed in “Call for Papers“.
Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the SpliTech2019 Conference Proceedings. Please prepare your manuscripts using the standard A4 IEEE format for conferences:
SpliTech2019 will be hosting tutorials, entrepreneur/industry demonstration/panels, summer schools and professional workshops.
Accepted professional/technical paper types are:
All submissions will be handled electronically. SpliTech2019 is using the EDAS Conference Management System to manage paper submissions. In order to submit, you will first need to create an account. Once you’ve logged in EDAS provides you with a submission homepage where you can register your submission and make appropriate changes up until the registration deadline. Please be sure that your paper has been made according to author’s kit. If you have problems with the system, please contact the administrator at
The technical program includes numerous sessions containing contributed papers related to SpliTech2019 conference topics while featuring prominent keynote speakers.
The extensive professional program is designed to provide opportunities for the professionals to both share and learn about the latest ideas, trends, and innovations, while connecting with their peers. To be accepted here, submissions are not required to have original scientific contribution.
The notification of acceptance will be provided by May 05, 2019.
Once your paper is accepted, final manuscript should be submitted through the EDAS system by May 25, 2019. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
Published SpliTech2019 technical papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and must adhere to the IEEE Xplore PDF specification for compatibility.
Steps for SpliTech2019 registration and final paper submission:
If you need VISA assistance, contact us at: