Luca Catarinucci is Associate Professor in Electromagnetic Fields at the Department of Innovation Engineering – Univesity of Salento, Lecce, Italy, where he teaches Microwaves and Electromagnetic Solutions for Hi-Tech. He is responsible of a new-born laboratory of Electromagnetic Technologies for Hi-Tech and supervises the activity of one senior researcher, one junior researcher, various Phd students other than decines of graduation students each year. Besides various activities in the classical areas of Electromagnetics, in 2005 Catarinucci begun a new research tread referred to Radiofrequency Identification Systems (RFID), dealing with reader and tag antenna design, realization of microwave circuits for the integration of UHF RFID Systems with sensor networks, design of automatic platforms for the over-the-air performance evaluation of RFID tags, prototyping of fully passive RFID tags provided with computational and sensing capabilities, study of new antennas for handheld RFID readers, joint use of 3D-printed electronics and RFID, and introduction of Doppler-based RFID-inspired backscattering modulation.
He served as TPC Officer of the 2014 European Microwave Weeks and as TPC Chair of the 2015 Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, other than as TPC member of various international conference including RFID-TA, SPLITECH, and EURASIP RFID.
He is also Associate Editor of “Journal of Advanced Internet of Things”, “International Journal
of Distributed Sensor Networks”, and “International Journal of Antennas and Propagation”. He also served as Editor for IEEE Virtual Journal.
Catarinucci authored more than 150 scientific works of which 65 international journals, 4
chapters of books with international diffusion and more than 80 proceedings of international
conferences. Moreover, he holds 2 National Patents about RFID technology.